Born at 25 weeks 1lb 8 oz
His mom shared this story...
After a week in the hospital on strict bedrest, it was found that I had a placental abruption and had to be rushed to the ER for an emergency C-Section. It was the scariest day of my husband's and my life. Not only had I lost a lot of blood, but we knew this baby was going to be here way too early. We held our breaths as the doctor pulled our son from me. Our little miracle let out a tiny cry; we couldn't believe our ears. Little Sidney was born just before 10am on July 3rd at only 25 weeks old. He weighed a mere 1lb 8oz. As he was whisked away to the NICU, we knew were going to be starting a new journey...and a difficult one.
It's week 4 for Sid in the NICU. Our little fighter is still on a ventilator, but is being put on additional supplements to help get him weaned off of it. He's eating breast milk via a tube like a champ, up to 17ml every three hours and is currently weighing in at a whopping 2lbs 2oz!! I couldn't be prouder of my little boy.
Way to go Sidney!
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